A new open access Shark Fin guide from the FAO!
This publication covers 16 shark species that are globally distributed and are of major importance owing to either their conservation status or because they are a main target for the international trade in the fins. This guide focuses on fresh to partially dried first dorsal fins, pectoral fins and whole caudal fins. The species are arranged in taxonomic order. For each species, a fact sheet instructs the user on the relevant diagnostic features and measurements of the dorsal, pectoral and caudal fins, showing a colour illustration of the whole shark, a distribution map and a photographic set of fins. For some species, photographs of pelvic, second dorsal and anal fins are also provided where available. A practical and methodological section is included, guiding the users step by step through the identification of shark fins in different scenarios. It contains the user manual of the software iSharkFin and a practical protocol for the collection of the photographs as well as how to take the main technical measurements and the genetic samples.